
Get here by plane via Athens. The flight duration from Germany is about 3 hours.

The cost of a round-trip flight according to the season and the departure airport is between 150 and 350 €.

Landing in Athens you can either rent a car or take the bus. Those who opt for car-rental should book in advance via Internet, as it is much cheaper than booking the car on site – costs are about 150 € per week. – e.g. via or

Travelling by bus is a bit more strenuous. However you will get a better chances to see the country and its people. At the airport take the E93 bus direction Kifisou which takes you to the Peloponnese bus station (about 5 €). Buy a ticket to Gythion at the bus-station (about 22 €). The journey takes approx 4 hours. After arriving in Gythion it is best to take a taxi to Skoutari (about 20 €).

Take your own car and use the ferry from Italy: Ferries go from Ancona in Italy (1150 km from Frankfurt / Main) and Venice (950 km from Frankfurt / The ferry ride duration from Ancona to Patras is approximately 21 hours, from Venice it takes about 36 hours.

The cost of the ferry ticket depends on the chosen category and season.

Information on exact prices and departures can be found at: or Arriving in Patras travel via Corinth, Tripoli, Sparti, Gythion to Skoutari(postcode 23200) (ca.330 km).

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